26th - 28th July 2011
Venue : Ritz – Carlton Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
What makes this Train The Trainer Program different?
• A complete Training system that gets Fast Visible Results in your Training
• Total Trainer Branding and Marketing Support
• International Recognition and Credibility
• Programs that get up to 42% better implementation
• DC Training Tools & Integrated Training & Organizational Development System
• DC360 Organizational Development System that locks clients in for continuous Training
Stand Out and Be Recognized! As a successful, Internationally Branded Certified Directive Communication Psychology Facilitator /Trainer, you will be among the Elite of International Certified Trainers and will have the credentials to and content to prove it.
Colored Brain is the first and most important of 8 DC Psychology qualifications. And, in a time of economic turmoil, it is the key to turbo-charge you business and to eliminate much of the stress and frustration that may exist for you and your clients. |
As a Colored Brain Facilitator and part of the Directive Communication Team
You will be qualified to train others to identify people with different colored brains and how they can APPLY that for GREATER PRODUCTIVITY at work and home. |
You will be able to properly administer and interpret the Directive Communication Colored Brain Communication Inventory (CBCI). |
You will have the mechanism to transform people to bring out the best in each other and create a working environment of better cooperation and personal/organizational success. |
You will be certified in Colored Brain applications and able to deliver a variety of ½ day, full day, or 2 day courses on Colored Brain and its organizational and career enhancement applications. |
But most importantly if you are in business for yourself, is you will be a part of an elite international team and get business and marketing support to take your business to the NEXT level.
Course Objecties |
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Corporate and individual trainers / facilitators. Anyone who is looking to embark in the training industry with a ready available training methodology and tool. |
Directive Communication Psychology allows you to:
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Learn the foundations of Directive Communication Psychology and incorporate the program in your training programs. |
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Apply the DC Colored Brain model to improve the effectiveness of your teams, leadership, and personal productivity. |
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Administer the Colored Brain Communication Inventory, understand and interpret the scoring, genetic processing, and mental flexibility and miscommunication insights. |
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Use the Colored Brain Communication Cards, apply usage in training, and interpret what is said at the subconscious level of the mind. |
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Develop ability to identify people with different colored brains and how they can apply that for greater productivity at work and home. |
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Develop mechanism to transform people to bring out the best in each other and create a working environment of better cooperation and personal/organizational success. |
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Learn a variety of other tools for specific use in training. |
What is Directive Communication Psychology?
Directive Communication (DC) is a training and organizational development psychology developed by Arthur F. Carmazzi that affects how people act and react in teams and organizations. It is a foundational science for influencing team dynamics to cultivate high performance cooperative work culture and leadership across any discipline within an organization. The DC methodology incorporates the latest breakthroughs in motivational and genetic psychology, and applies them in improving groups and corporate culture, team development and work enhancement, and in high yield training development. Watch the Video on Directive Communication
Colored Brain Communications – How your brain Communicates?
By identifying the fundamental patterns in the way our brain genetically processes the world around us, we overcome misunderstanding, conflict, and wastage of individual and group potential. Awareness of these “Brain Communication” processes gives us the means to maximize our capacity to act intelligently, to Turbo Charge our natural gifts and use them to maximize our ability to develop “software” for our brain to achieve greater competence across many disciplines. We are able to understand others at a deeper level and unleash greater potential for relationships at work and at home, for easier learning and teaching, and for greater harmony and cooperation with our environment and our teams. |
Directive Communication Psychology allows you to :
• Accelerate the results and objectives of your corporate training .
• Provide your training with psychological tools to cultivate synergy and cooperation.
• Multiply the effectiveness of your leadership and high potentials. |
DAY 01
1. Introduction to DC Psychology • History of Directive Communication • Benefits of Directive Communication • DC Training Methodology • Training outcomes / end results / block
2. Foundations of Brain Communication • Encoded Assumptions & Rules of Engagement • Acting Intelligently • The Colored Brain Model • Colored Glasses Syndrome • The Colored Brain Processors – Green, Red, Blue & Purple • The Colored Brain Communication Inventory administration • Organizational Colors • Using the Colored Brain Communication cards
DAY 02
3. Establishing the Competency Foundations • Communication Dynamics • The Colored Company Game - exercise • The Language of Brain Racism
4. Influencing Behaviors • The Color of Leadership • Directive Feedback for different colors
5. Expanding Competency • Using CBC cards in Self Decision Making • Colored Decision about People • Writing New Brain Software
6. Colored Team Dynamics • The Color of Teams • The Colored Brain Leadership • The Choudhury Mind Maze - exercise
DAY 03
7.Facilitating to a Colored Audience • Getting your audience engaged – why they Need to Know • Using colors to create up to 42% better comprehension and understanding • Practice & Implementation – Your Facilitation Skills • Written & practical test • Review and Colored Conclusions • Evaluations & Testimonials
The Certification workshop includes:
1. Manuals & Guides
• Specifically designed participant manual.
• Comprehensive facilitators guide that provides detailed actions in a training environment.
• Comprehensive audio and video guides to lead you to successful implementation.
2. Proprietary Tools
• Proprietary games insure fun and have proven exceptional learning results.
• Proprietary psychometric instruments.
3. Business supporting materials
• Marketing materials and pre-designed ads, letters and advertorials.
• Soft copies of our marketing materials for easy modifications and electronic distribution.
• Marketing and PR check lists that allow easy adaptation to any business environment.
• Printed postcards for easy follow-up.
• A systematic journal with step-by-step workbook.
4. Accreditation from the American Institute of Business Psychology
(upon successful completing and passing written and practical test)
Included in the Package ( Worth US$560 )
• Participant Training Manual & Facilitator Guide (plus Manual on CD)
• Development
• CBC cards.
• Identity Intelligence Book.
• Marketing, Instructional Video & Audio CDs.
• Colored Business Game.
• Colored glasses set.
• Choudhury Mind Maze.
• Colored Brain Communication Field Manual

Learning Games and Learning Tools for Corporate Training and Personal
Development, Organizational Development and Leadership
ARTHUR F. CARMAZZI has 21 years experience specializing in psychological approaches to persuasion and culture transformation within organizations. He is a renowned speaker in the Asian Region and is the principle founder of the “Directive Communication” discipline. Arthur has advanced the Corporate Training industry with innovative experiential techniques that have been acknowledged by some of the world’s greatest organizations. He is the bestselling co-author of “The 6 Dimensions of Top Achievers”, and the author of “Identity Intelligence”.
Voted as the world’s top 10 Leadership Gurus, Arthur is the developer of the CBCI (Colored Brain Communication Inventory) profiling tools used for “Psycho-Productivity” management. This tool has been implemented across a variety of HR and Leadership disciplines by numerous multinationals to generate greater efficiency of human capital.
Arthur’s current area of concentration is in the creation of highly productive service cultures. His work in applying the Directive Communication discipline to organizations has enhanced departments in Multinational as well as local companies through attitude enrichment as it relates to productivity, leadership, and customer service. Using psychology to inspire ownership within the individual, team, and organization, Arthur has been able to set the emotional and decision-making base for optimizing people skills, enabling organizations the ability to specifically and positively direct enthusiasm and action for the company’s brand values and mission.
As the former Regional Director for the Grail Corporation (Asia), a US based consulting firm, he discovered that having skills and strategy were not enough to really change the course of an organization. And even when consulting strategies were put in place, they just took too long to really make the difference. So using his background in Psychology, he was able to make distinctions and design strategies that created lightning fast attitude changes within his own staff and those of its clients. Grail made a difference in the profitability of organizations like Samsung Electronics, Samsung Engineering, Kodak (Korea), Hansol Jeji, Shinyong group, and the Paradise group.
Arthur currently works with multinationals like Nestle, Guinness, Merrill Lynch, Maybank, Singapore Telecom, Bloomberg, Mediacorp, Citibank, Bristol Myer… and the list goes on. He has worked for the Singapore, Malaysian and Korean Governments and is regularly sought after as a guest on talk shows, radio, and has been written up as “One of Asia’s best business speakers” by the Singapore Straits Times. |
Register by 5th July, 2011
Colored Brain Communication Facilitators Certification Package: USD1,200 per person |
We can run this course in-house for your employees. For the a detailed training proposal, please contact us by e- mail program@dunville.com.my or call 04-2293900 / fax 04-2293894.
Terms and Conditions of Seminar
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Registrations will only be confirmed upon payment. |
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Please make cheques payable to Dunville Training Centre Sdn Bhd and bank in to Hong Leong Bank 26300000560 |
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Payment must be received at least 7 days prior to the seminar date. |
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There will be no refund for cancellation. However, replacements are welcomed. |
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The organizer reserves the right to make any amendments and / or changes to the seminar programme, venue, speakers replacement and or topics if warranted by circumstances beyond its control. |
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